
Première journée

9h: Accueil Café

10h: Fabien Wille : Le projet RSJ-MéDIS, hypothèses, démarches et méthodes. 

10h30: Sandy Montanola, Béatrice Damian, Olivier Tredan: Observation des conditions de travail des journalistes de sport à l'occasion des grands événements sportifs : Tv et Web

11h15: Diversité : un non sujet ? 

Françoise Papa , Michèle Moine Performance – Identité – Corps

Arnaud Richard  Pour une étude discursive de la diversité dans les représentations médiatiques de sport

Amandine Kervella, Articuler "promesse", "genre" et "analyse de discours" pour interroger la question de la "diversité" dans les reportages consacrés aux athlètes.

12h00: Axel Bruns (keynote speech=) Gatewatching and News Curation: Journalism, Social Media, and the Public Sphere

Social media users now engage almost instinctively in collective and collaborative gatewatching processes as they respond to major breaking news stories, as well as in their day-to-day sharing of interesting articles with their social media contacts. Meanwhile, existing media outlets are increasingly seeking to maximise the shareability of their stories via social media, and a number of new players (such as Buzzfeed) are fundamentally built around providing ‘viral’ content. This talk shows how this impacts on news industry practices and approaches. It reviews the practices of everyday users as they engage with the news, and highlights how enterprising journalists have come to connect and engage with such users. It traces the conflicted responses of journalists and news outlets from their early dismissals to gradual engagement with social media, and asks whether, as journalism is subsumed into social media, news outlets can remain distinctive enough to survive.

12h45: Discussion.

13h15: pause

14h45: Pascal Marchand et Emmanuel Marty: L’analyse lexicométrique des discours en ligne : méthodes et exemples d'application aux médias et espaces d’expression sur le web

15h15: Pierre Ratinaud et Nikos Smyrnaios: Articuler analyse des réseaux et des discours sur Twitter lors d’événements d'actualité

16h15: pause

16h:45: Jean-Marc Francony Analyse des événements médiatiques majeurs : réflexions méthodologiques dans le contexte du projet RSJ-MéDIs

17h15/30: Discussion


2e Journée: Sciences des Données : Dialogues disciplinaires et infrastructures

9h Accueil.

9h30: Axel Bruns Social Media in Australia: A ‘Big Data’ Perspective on Twitter To Advanced Social Media Analytics

Twitter research to date has focussed mainly on the study of isolated events, as described for example by specific hashtags or keywords relating to elections, natural disasters, public events, and other moments of heightened activity in the network. This limited focus is determined in part by the limitations placed on large-scale access to Twitter data by Twitter, Inc. itself. This research presents the first ever comprehensive study of a national Twittersphere as an entity in its own right. It examines the structure of the follower network amongst some 4 million Australian Twitter accounts and the dynamics of their day-to-day activities, and explores the Australian Twittersphere’s engagement with specific recent events.

10h30: Table Ronde : Sciences Sociales et Sciences des données : enjeux épistémologiques, méthodologiques ; réalités et perspectives.

12h30: pause. fin de la partie publique



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